Sunday, February 17, 2008

NYSET 2008

NYSET is an acronym for New York Summer Evangelism Team. Under the direction of Evangelist Doug Lowery, this team works with fundamental, independent, Bible-believing churches throughout the greater New York City area.

This eight-week ministry (late June to mid-August) begins with a week of training and touring, and includes seven more exciting weeks of evangelistic outreach in different churches in and around NYC. In the course of one summer, team members witness to people from all over the world—and will share the Gospel with Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, as well as Catholics and Protestants of every denomination. If you come on NYSET, your witnessing skills will be tested, sharpened and stretched, and your heart will be filled with a burden for the lost like you have never known.

If you are led of God’s Spirit to be a member of NYSET (see qualifications below), you will experience the following activities: you will distribute thousands of tracts, witness door-to-door, preach and sing in open-air street meeting using a portable PA system, participate in special music with the Lowerys at each church, present the Gospel in parks & on the streets via the tool of an art board and a large Gospel banner, teach Sunday school classes, work in junior church, prepare and conduct youth rallies, preach to teens and in church services, take your turn bringing a challenge during team devotions, be involved in various work projects in churches, enjoy recreation time and tour Manhattan on your days off and see many awesome sights.