Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hudson View Baptist Church, Yonkers: Week 3

Hat day at VBS

Rachel telling the missionary story

Skit time

Daniel getting the kids excited about VBS

Nyset guys

Thursday, July 2, 2009

VBS Skits

Nyset guys

Brighton Beach Baptist Church, Brooklyn: Week 2

We are so thankful the Lord has made it possible for us to minister here in NYC! Our first week here was spent in training and touring the city. We also did a street meeting in Queens with a group from Baptist College of Ministry in Milwaukee, WI. Many tracts were handed out and thousands heard the Gospel!

We just finished working with Brighton Beach Baptist Church in Brooklyn. It is a predominantly Russian and Jewish area. Although, it was a difficult week for us spiritually, we were able to hand out thousands of tracts, invitations to church, and parts of the Bible in Russian. It was so sad to see the thousands of Jewish people who are so hardened to the true Gospel. Their faces were so sad. We are praying for the seeds of Christ’s glorious Gospel that were planted in their hearts!

Please continue to pray for us as we minister for Christ here in New York City!

Ministry at Manhattan Beach Park, Brooklyn

Jess playing a game with some kids

Jimmy entertaining with his sticks

Paul doing the rope trick while sharing the Gospel!

Although we ran into some opposition at the park, the team took advantage of every opportunity to share the good news of Christ with everyone around them. They were truly a light shining for the Lord!

Nyset Training

Dave Tinsely trained the team in various Gospel art methods. Nyset will use these paintings throughout the summer in Children's park meetings. The team learned puzzles, stories, games, and rope tricks--all methods of sharing the Gospel!

Rachel, practicing Gospel art

Maggy Klaus

Jess Lane